How to Clean Old Door Hardware ...did you find it in Morocco?

You've just scheduled to have your door refinished. (You have right?) But now you realize that your hardware is a bit, let's say...aged, worn, needs a face-lift... Yikes, what do you do now? If you read my previous post you could replace it and sometimes that's the best solution.

However, sometimes we really love our door handle since it may represent who we are. Or, we already invested a lot into it. Maybe while traveling the world, in some Moroccan market you found a door handle that you just had to have and now it needs to be refreshed.

Video - Take the hardware off so that you don't get it on the wood door.

Brass Hardware
Written instructions and many varied methods.

Removing Paint
You can also use an old crock pot to let the parts soak.

New Hardware   
How to keep it clean and functioning.

Lubricate and switch  

Let the cleaning, restoring and preserving begin!

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