When you are selling your home you need every advantage you can get these days. This may be one of the most overlooked areas of improving the curb appeal of your home --your entry door. Curb appeal is the opinion a prospective buyer forms as they walk up to your front door. With this in mind, your front door should be especially striking, since this is the entryway into your home. This impression sets the tone of what the prospective buyer begins tuning into as they walk through your entire home. If your door is in less then spectacular shape they may enter with negative thoughts and may continue looking for other problems, perhaps thinking if the front door isn't taken care of...what other problems are there that I may not be seeing?
Make sure your door handle and any other door hardware is in great shape. If you are unable to polish it to perfection, then replace it. If your door needs refinished call us for a free estimate! We are experts at making your door look beautiful again!
HGTV offers Designed to Sell Top 35 Selling Secrets...including sprucing up your front entry!
HGTV offers Designed to Sell Top 35 Selling Secrets...including sprucing up your front entry!